CSS Borders

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Inherited: No


You can set the color, style and width of the borders around an element
in one declaration by using the border property.

 border: 1px solid #333333;


  • color
  • style
  • width

Or you can set each property individually

Border Color
You can set the color of a border independently with the border-color

 border-color: value;

Border Style

You can set the style of a border independently with the border-style

 border-style: value;


  • dashed
  • dotted
  • double
  • groove
  • hidden
  • inset
  • none
  • outset
  • ridge
  • solid

Border Width

You can set the width of a border independently with the border-width

 border-width: value;

Border Bottom

You can set the color, style and width of the bottom border around an
element in one declaration with the border-bottom property

 border-bottom: 1px solid #333333;

Border Bottom / Border Top … /Border-buttom-color/ Border-top-color

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CSS Borders

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