Formatted Text

Estimated reading: 1 minute 81 views


Here is a paragraph with <em>emphasized</em> text and <strong>important</strong> text.
Here is another paragraph with <i>Italic</i> text and <b>Bold</b> text.

Here is a paragraph with Emphasized text and Important

Here is another paragraph with italic text and Bold text.



<p>Here is a <mark>highlighted</mark> text and this is <small>smaller</small> text.</p>

Here is a Highlighted text and this is smaller text.

<p>Here is <del>some deleted</del> text and this is <ins>some inserted</ins> text.</p>

Here is some deleted text and this is some inserted text.

<p>This is <sup>superscripted</sup> text and this is <sub>subscripted</sub> text.</p>

Here is superscripted text and this is subscripted text.

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